There are many ways in which you can sustain personal injury. For example, due to a traffic accident, a medical error, accidents at work, contamination like legionella or an accident in your private surroundings.
As a victim of personal injury, you also have to deal with high injury costs and litigants that attempt to avoid paying compensation for the injury, in addition to the injury actually suffered.

There are many ways in which you can sustain personal injury. For example, due to a traffic accident, a medical error, accidents at work, contamination like legionella or an accident in your private surroundings.

We will assist you with your personal injury. We act for you against the other party (most often a large insurance company) and take care of your interests. If necessary, we will institute action

If liability is admitted, our assistance will cost you nothing. The party that is liable must then pay you costs for legal assistance according to law. If liability has not yet been admitted, we can often arrange this for you, in most cases free of charge, in a short period of time.